Single Way Taxi

Top 10 Trains From Trichy To Chennai

See the Top 10 Trains From Trichy to Chennai, Pothigai Exp, Kanyakumari Exp, Nellai Express, Rmm Chennai Exp, Pearl City Exp, Anantapuri Exp, Tcn Chennai Exp, Nzm S Krnti Exp, Pallavan Exp, and Vaigai Exp are the major trains that run from Trichy to Chennai. 

Chennai is the capital city of Tamil Nadu. Every day lots of people travel from the Rock City Trichy to Chennai for business, education, IT sector jobs and also for sightseeing as tourists.  Read further to know about the time schedule and fares of various important trains. Package equal to cab from trichy to chennai

trains from trichy to chennai

List of 10 Trains From Trichy To Chennai, Timings and Fares

S.NoTrainsRuns OnDepartureArrivalTraveling HoursFare
1.12662 Pothigai ExpSMTWTFSTPJ 00:15MS 05:505hr 35minRs. 255
2.12634 Kanyakumari ExpSMTWTFSTPJ 00:35MS 06:105hr 35minRs. 235
3.12632 Nellai ExpressSMTWTFSTPJ 01:00MS 06:355hr 35minRs. 255
4.22662 Rmm Chennai ExpSMTWTFSTPJ 01:25MS 07:155hr 50minRs. 255
5.12694 Pearl City ExpSMTWTFSTPJ 01:35MS 07:305hr 55minRs. 255
6.16724 Anantapuri ExpSMTWTFSTPJ 01:55MS 07:556hrRs. 205
7.16106 Tcn Chennai ExpSMTWTFSTPJ 02:45MS 10:307hr 45minRs. 250
8.12651 Nzm S Krnti ExpSMTWTFSTPJ 03:10MS 08:305hr 20minRs. 255
9.12606 Pallavan ExpSMTWTFSTPJ 06:55MS 12:155hr 20minRs. 150
10.12636 Vaigai ExpSMTWTFSTPJ 09:20MS 14:305hr 10minRs. 150

Frequently Asked Questions About Trichy To Chennai Train Time And Price:

1. How many Trains run from Trichy to Chennai every week?

There are 21 trains that run from Trichy to Chennai every week.

2. What is the distance from Trichy to Chennai when traveled via train?

312 km has to be traveled from Trichy to Chennai via train.

3. How many railway stations are there in Trichy and Chennai?

There are 6 railway stations in Trichy and 31 railway stations in Chennai

.4. What is the time that trains take to travel from Trichy to Chennai?

On an average, trains take about 4 hours 10 minutes to travel on this route

5. How many days before my journey will I be able to take a Tatkal ticket?

One day before the journey.

6. Which train is the fastest from Trichy to Chennai?

22672 Tejas Express.

7. Which is the slowest train from Trichy to Chennai?

22614 RMM Express.

8. Which is the first train on this route?

12662 Pothigai Express, starts at 00:05 am.

9. Which is the last train on this route?

12653 Rockfort Express, starts at 23:35 pm.

10. How can I check Trichy to Chennai train seat availability?

There are various websites in which you can check seat availability.

Other Modes of Transport from Trichy To Chennai

You can avail either Trichy to Chennai drop taxi from Single Way Taxi or travel by a bus. 

Go Through Our Trichy To Chennai cab – One Way Taxi Or Round Trip Taxi Price Chart:

One Way13 Rs/Km18 Rs/Km14 Rs/Km19 Rs/Km
Round Trip11 Rs/Km14 Rs/Km11 Rs/Km15 Rs/Km

Visit our website or call 9344228445 to book your trip! Book a taxi from trichy to chennai for your emergency with safe trip from us!

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